The ‘Water Resilient Dundee’ Strategy aims to transition from current drainage practices towards more holistic, sustainable, and adaptable water management across the city over the next 50 years.
Delivery of the strategy will involve utilising and, where required, reinforcing existing infrastructure alongside creating new assets. The new infrastructure must combine below-ground solutions with blue-green surface solutions that benefit the community and environment.
We can jointly and sustainably manage water in the City of Dundee to help the city respond to climate change now and for future generations, delivering wider benefits.
Water Resilient Dundee Framing Statement
Strategic Objectives |
Minimise sewer and surface water flood risk by adapting storm water management to deal with more intense rainfall events by 2080. |
Protect and improve water quality by reducing sewer overflow spills to rivers and the sea by 2080 . |
Improve natural capital by using blue-green infrastructure to manage storm water by 2080. |
Enhance the amenity value of places to maximise health and wellbeing benefits for local communities by 2080. |
Enable growth and development by reducing storm water inputs to the sewer system by 2080. |
Minimise energy costs and ensure value for money and affordable options for life of assets. |
Mitigate climate change by reducing CO2 emissions during construction and operation of assets, and sequestering carbon in blue-green infrastructure by 2080. |
Authorities working more collaboratively to maximise multiple benefits for communities and consider all parts of the urban drainage system in a holistic way. |
Community Education: Improve public understanding of climate change and water management across the City. |
Involve Communities in decision-making. |